#TipTuesday The next school board meeting is 1 week from today. THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LOCATION for this month's meeting. The school board will meet on Tuesday, February 21 at the Performing Arts Center, which is located on the campus of the Academies of West Memphis High School. #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
school board meeting venue has changed to the PAC at the AWM.
#HappyValentinesDay Roses are red....violets are blue.....WMSD hopes to see you at our schools Thursday! We invite all of our parents to Parent Teacher Conferences this Thursday, February 16 from 2:30-7:30. Each school has a specific schedule for dinner breaks for teachers. Please check with your student's school for times. #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
PTC is Thursday 2:30-7:30
#MotivationMonday Don't forget about PTC this week! #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
PTC this Thursday 2:30-7:30
#FutureFriday We are looking for educators! WMSD is inviting prospective teachers to our Future Educator Career Fair. It is ONE MONTH FROM TODAY! If you'd like to know more about it, check out the image for more information. #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Career fair on Friday march 10 from 10-1 at the arena
#ThankfulThursday We are thankful EVERYDAY for our guidance counselors, but we want to celebrate them as a part of National School Counseling Week. Today, we hosted them at the central office for a special lunch. #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Thank you, school counselors.
Pictures of counselors and Thursday's luncheon.
#Thursdayvibes In 1 week, our schools will host Parent Teacher Conferences. Be sure to put this event on your calendar! #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
PTC on 2/16 from 2:30-7:30
Happy 100th Day of School Faulk families!
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
100th Day
Happy National School Counseling Week to Faulk's AMAZING School Counselor, Mrs. Walker! Thank you for making Faulk Elementary a better place for our students, families, and teachers! We appreciate you Mrs. Walker!!!
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
Counseling week
Mrs. Walker
Mrs. Walker
Mrs. Walker
Out of an abundance of caution and to ensure everyone is safe, WMSD will be closed Friday, February 3, due to slick roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Stay safe out there! This will be AMI day 5. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
school closed 2/3 Ami day 5
Due to icing conditions, West Memphis School District will be closed on Thursday, February 2. This will be AMI day 4. Please stay safe and warm!
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
WMSD closed Thursday, Feb. 2. Ami day 4
Congratulations to First Grade teacher, Mrs. Henriques and her students! Mrs. Henriques' First Grade class had 100% of her students show growth on the NWEA Math Winter Test! Way to go Mrs. Henriques! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
K-6 Faulk Elementary students had tremendous growth on their Winter 2023 NWEA Math and Winter 2023 NWEA Reading assessments! Congratulations to the students who were awarded for being the "Biggest Movers and Shakers" in each grade level! Way to go Faulk students, teachers, and families! Keep up the good work! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
Math Growth
reading growth
Due to impending inclement weather West Memphis School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 31. This will be AMI day #2.
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
no school on Tuesday, January 31
#Mondayvibes We are closely monitoring the weather situation, and will update you with the latest. Download our app, and follow us on social media so you can stay in the know! #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
we are keeping our eye on the skies
Hello Faulk families! Lifetouch yearbook RETAKE picture day is Wednesday, February 1, 2023. If you missed the Fall picture day or your child is a new student at Faulk, please plan on having them take a retake picture Wednesday, February 1! Contact the school office if you have any questions!
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
Hello Faulk families! Every Thursday in February wear black history t-shirts, African colors, or your favorite African attire for Black History Month! And, every Friday in February wear red for National Heart Month!
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
February dress up days
Faulk Elementary Scholastic Book Fair is coming up February 13-17, 2023! Save the date!
about 2 years ago, Molly Poff
Book Fair
#FinalCountdownFriday It's the very last day to take our survey. Please take a few minutes to help provide us with some valuable feedback. Thanks for your support!! Here's a link to the survey: https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4TL3u26J135dlvo #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
equity survey link
#Thursdayvibes In 3 weeks, our schools will be hosting parent teacher conferences. Put the event on your calendar because all are welcome! #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
parent teacher conferences on Thursday, feb . 16 from 2:30 to 7:30
#Wednesdayvibes We need your feedback! Head on over to our website for some tips on how to complete the equity survey AND a link to the survey. #WMSDistheplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
about 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
We want your feedback...3 days left.