We have extended the deadline for our equity survey. If you haven't taken the time to do it, please help us and complete the short survey. Use the link or QR code in the image. Thanks for your support!
Here's the link: https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4TL3u26J135dlvo

In honor of School Board Recognition Month, we are continuing to highlight our school board members during the month of January. Check out this week's board member.

It is the final day to complete our equity survey! Please take a few minutes to give us valuable feedback so we can better serve you. Follow the link OR scan the QR code in the picture. We appreciate you!

Report cards went home yesterday. Are you struggling to unwrap your kindergarten through 3rd grader's standards based report card? Do you want to be able to keep up with your 4-12th grader's grades a little more this 9 weeks? Have no fear....help is here! Click on the images for some advice and helpful links.

Weaver Elementary is hosting an art show tonight. Check out the invite for details!

Today is report card day!

At tonight’s monthly school board meeting, some of our elementary students recognized our board members by reading a proclamation and presenting members with a certificate of appreciation.

We need your feedback to help us better serve you! You still have time to fill out our equity survey. Please click on the link OR you can scan the QR code in the image for access to the survey. Thanks for your participation and support!

FYI.....School will not be in session on Monday, January 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Just a reminder.....report cards will be sent home next week!

Congratulations to the 2023 Faulk Elementary School Sixth Grade Ambassadors! Way to go students! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUP

Way to go Ms. Banks! Today, Ms. Banks, Fifth Grade teacher at Faulk Elementary, was awarded Teacher of the Month! Thanks for everything you do at Faulk Elementary to make it an AMAZING place! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUP

We're thrilled to announce the new app for WMSD! It's everything West Memphis School District, in your pocket.
Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3Y3tZJt
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3Fy2rVm

Elementary students have a basketball league....Games begin this week! Check out the pictures for a complete schedule.

Hello Faulk families! The Faulk Elementary School Daddy Daughter Dance is Friday, February 10th from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $20 per couple. Please see the flyer for details! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #FORKSUP

We need your help! Please complete the equity survey in an effort to help us better serve YOU! Survey is linked. You can also scan the QR code in the image pictured for a link to the survey. We appreciate your help!

With the new year....comes new beginnings and opportunities. We need your help! Check out the pictures for more information on an upcoming survey and where you can find our new app.

Schools are closed today, Tuesday, January 3. This will be AMI day 1. Check our website, or app for more information.

Faulk students and teachers bundled up today in hats, scarves, and gloves for the "Baby It's Cold Outside" Spirit Day. Here are just a few pictures from the fun day! Don't forget tomorrow is the Christmas Concert, and students should dress up in Christmas colors: red, green, silver, gold, black, or white. #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUp

Hello Faulk families! Tomorrow is the Faulk Elementary Christmas Concert. The Christmas Concert begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Faulk cafeteria. We hope to see you all there!