What is Santa doing at Faulk Elementary? Stay tuned for tomorrow's #FeatureFriday to find out.

Hello Faulk families! Reminder: This Friday, December 16 is the Faulk Elementary Christmas Concert, "Our Childhood Christmas!" All families are welcome to attend. The concert begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Faulk Elementary Cafeteria.
Students please dress up in Christmas colors for the concert! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUp

Hello Faulk families! Christmas Sock Day was a blast today! We saw many colorful and festive socks around Faulk. Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 14 is Christmas Sweater or Christmas Shirt Day! #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUp

REMINDER: Faulk Elementary Christmas Spirit Week starts TOMORROW, Monday, December 12! Tomorrow is Festive head gear/Santa hat day!
Mark you calendars for the Faulk Elementary Christmas Program on Friday, December 16 at 9:00 a.m.! See the flyer below for Spirit Week days! 🎄🎄🎄🎄 #SEETHEGOOD #BETHELIGHT #MAKETHEDIFFERENCE #BRINGINGOURAGAME #WMSD #ForksUp

Get into the holiday spirit with a concert tonight, featuring our elementary and high school choirs. Check out the photo for the details.

Check out Chartwells' latest news.

Our Library Media Specialists recently shared their wisdom at a regional meeting. Check out some photos and more details from their day.

FYI parents....Progress reports will be sent home this week.

We sat down with Chartwells' Chef Rico Stackhouse for some Thanksgiving meal prep tips. Check out his advice on how to make your holiday successful by clicking on the link to the video.

Don't forget.....WMSD is closed for Thanksgiving break next week!

It may have been a chilly Tuesday, but it didn't stop WMSD's GT students from exploring at the Memphis Botanic Gardens. Check out more from their trip.

Parent teacher conferences at Faulk were a success!

"Be an UPSTANDER and not a BYSTANDER!"

Local author stops by to read to Faulk students.

Faulk celebrates Dot Day!

Happy National Principals Month to Greg Brinkley!

Thank you those who participated in the annual Fred Leonard Hometown Showdown this year. These wonderful supporters helped WMSD in a big way! Check out the check Mr. Leonard and Grandon Gray presented to Billy Elmore today.

We couldn't let the day go by without recognizing those men and women who fought for our freedoms. Happy Veterans Day, Vets! We thank you for your service! Be sure to stay tuned for more from today's festivities, including thoughts from one of our own vets, Mr. Willie Harris.

It may almost be the end of another week, but our district and building administrators are busy learning today. Arkansas Department of Education is here training our administrators on the Educator Effectiveness System.